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Re: The Great Ball Contraption V3
Wed, 2 Feb 2005 18:01:36 GMT
4705 times
In lugnet.robotics, Russell Nelson <> wrote:

I'd love to start a GBC activity here in Potsdam,
but .... we need a reliable source of bulk balls.

   Before Steve gave me some balls (oh, the straight lines...), I acquired
enough to run a few modules of my own from various Bricklink purchases. You
could do a GBC by simply mandating that everybody who wants to add to a GBC
brings there own supply of balls, but I think this project could tap out
Bricklink. But I agree, it would be nice if at least a few other folks could
acquire a large lot of soccer balls in other geographic regions.

we really need Lego to sell bulk balls.

   There is, I've heard tell, some PaB (not in the States, but UK IMS) that had
soccer balls for bulk sale. I know you can get a lot of soccer balls in a PaB
cup (a small cup here in the States holds about 180 - I don't have enough (yet!)
to tell how many a large PaB cup holds, but it looks to be around 300).

Brian Davis

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Great Ball Contraption V3
(...) Well, I do have a very large suppily, and despite sending out hundreds of soccer balls, I've just scratched the surface. I have a whole stack of requests, just waiting to be boxed and shipped. I just need to get to the post office during work (...) (19 years ago, 2-Feb-05, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Great Ball Contraption V3
Steve Hassenplug writes: > ho hum. another day, another Great Ball Contraption. Cool. I'd love to start a GBC activity here in Potsdam, but .... we need a reliable source of bulk balls. It's nice of you to mail them out to people, but we really need (...) (19 years ago, 2-Feb-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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