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 Robotics / 23313
23312  |  23314
Re: The Great Ball Contraption
Mon, 10 Jan 2005 17:57:14 GMT
3757 times
Steve Hassenplug writes:

I notice that the spec says "Currently, there is no standard for
physically connecting modules together."  One possibility is for a
module to grab onto the two corner studs of the input bin of the
module to the right, since that's already a given.

That's a good idea, which I don't think has been suggested, yet.  However, that sort
of requires a module to have corner studs...  :)

This module mostly uses liftarms:

As it turns out, I suspect 90% of the modules will not require interconnection, and
those that do, should be mounted on baseplates, or maybe we can just squeeze them
together with other modules...


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Great Ball Contraption
Steve Hassenplug writes: > (URL) notice that the spec says "Currently, there is no standard for physically connecting modules together." One possibility is for a module to grab onto the two corner studs of the input bin of the module to the right, (...) (19 years ago, 10-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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