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Re: The Great Ball Contraption
Wed, 12 Jan 2005 14:58:13 GMT
7262 times
In lugnet.robotics, Rick Clark wrote:

do a Google search for "rolling ball machines"

Another awesome source which you may want to link
the main page to is:

   Thank you! I found this page ages ago when trying to find an easy way to
build a step feeder (I've wanted to build one ever since a certain Playful
Penguin thread in rtlToronto), and it inspired me to start a list, but I
couldn't relocate it!

While not in English, it does contain animations
of nearly every idea on the list. Wow!

   Additionally, he gives lots of examples, including (for at least some of
them) ones he built out of LEGO! For the folks that have asked about Steve's
step feeder, I think he may have based this of a design I built, but I lifted
the idea for a LEGO version from these pages. It's a great resource!

   I really need to update and refine my list, put in this (& other) URLs, and
include a "tips & tricks" section. But I'm having too much fun building!

I am already thinking of how to modify my
LEGO ball pump to fit the standard.

   The biggest problem I've had with ball pumps (I've got two sitting above my
fireplace right now) is room below the input hopper "floor". The designs I've
build require a cycling piston below the floor of the input hopper, and that
takes up a good bit of vertical room (when the top of the input bin can only be
9-10 brick heights off the baseplate). I can do it... but the resulting input
bin ends up rather shallow, so I have to make it long to hold a "pulse" of 20-30

Brian Davis

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Great Ball Contraption
In lugnet.robotics, Brian Davis wrote: (snip) (...) (snip) (...) Another awesome source which you may want to link the main page to is: (URL) While not in English, it does contain animations of nearly every idea on the list. Wow! You can get a rough (...) (19 years ago, 12-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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