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 Robotics / 23271
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Re: The Great Ball Contraption
Sat, 8 Jan 2005 01:35:57 GMT
Geoffrey Hyde <gdothyde@bigponddotnetdo+NoSpam+tau>
3651 times
"Steve Hassenplug" <> wrote in message

And, a 92 second video (15mb)...  priceless.  Here's one ball passing
our entire 10 module test assembly.

This played quite well in RealPlayer, although for some odd reason the first
time was very jerky and the sound was all messed up.  If anyone else strikes
this problem remember to hit play a second time, as I believe it should be
playing properly the second time.

On TGBC itself, congratulations!  That is one great setup you and your
friends have there!!  I can't wait to see if you guys make a video of a
whole series of balls running through the machine at once.

Cheers ...

Geoffrey Hyde

Message is in Reply To:
  The Great Ball Contraption
In an attempt to provide Technic & Mindstorms builders the same cooperative building opportunity that's available to Moonbase, Castle, and Town/Train builders at Brickfest, we present to you: The Great Ball Contraption. When it's assembled at (...) (19 years ago, 7-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains,,, lugnet.announce) !! 

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