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Re: TGBC - The Weakest Link?
Mon, 10 Jan 2005 02:46:59 GMT
5432 times
In lugnet.robotics, Chio Siong Soh wrote:

Is there allowance for the fact that one of
the modules may act up and not deliver the
requisite balls for the next module to act

   First, test the modules as they are added to the system to make sure they
meet the minimum requirement. Second, watch the whole thing like a hawk, being
ready to shut it down to fix such problems. Third, there will have to be some
special-purpose modules within the system, such as the first "timing module", a
"return module" (like Steve's train), perhaps turn modules, etc. A very simple
bypass module can be built (I'm working in it) that can easily be adjusted in
length "on the fly" so a malfunctioning module can be hot-swapped out of the

Each module must at minimum be able to sense
that there are indeed balls in the input bin
before acting on them and that there are balls
in the output bin for the next module to do
its stuff.

   At this point, most if not all of the modules I've seen can "run dry", so
there's not need for a module to check for itself.

But to complicate matters, the weakest link
may not be just one module. Different modules
could act up at various times.

   Yes. Babysitting will be needed.

Brian Davis

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: TGBC - The Weakest Link?
(...) Any operation involving a long sequence of events as in The Great Ball Contraption (TGBC) is likely to be fouled up by failure of one of the events in the chain - the so called weakest link. Is there allowance for the fact that one of the (...) (19 years ago, 9-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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