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 Robotics / 23372
23371  |  23373
Re: The Great Ball Contraption
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 13:18:40 GMT
3881 times
I definitely plan to attend Brickfest to add my contribution to the Great Ball

We look forward to seeing you there...

I'm going to need someone to send me some soccer balls, please. I
don't have any LEGO Sports stuff at all.

E-mail me your address.

One suggestion for people: I don't like mystery mechanisms. I like to see how
stuff works, so please build your stuff with as many internal parts visible as
possible. For example, the stairs are mysterious until you see them from the
bottom -- a cam shaft is the secret. Get rid of the walls and I'll be happier.

I really like to build my stuff with a very clean look.  That usually means hiding
all the inner workings.  That's why the stairs looked like this in my first build:

However, when I rebuilt it to be 32x10, I decided to open the bottom as much as
possible, to allow people to see in:

This gives it more of a "contraption" look to it.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Great Ball Contraption
What's funny is the other day I was thinking of building a marble machine with LEGO. After reading about this contraption system, I got super-motivated and built myself a ball pump last night. I only spent a few hours on it, but I think I have it (...) (19 years ago, 20-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)

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