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 Robotics / 23245
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Re: The Great Ball Contraption
Fri, 7 Jan 2005 16:05:12 GMT
4223 times
In lugnet.robotics, Steve Hassenplug wrote:
In an attempt to provide Technic & Mindstorms builders the same cooperative
building opportunity that's available to Moonbase, Castle, and Town/Train
builders at Brickfest, we present to you: The Great Ball Contraption.

When it's assembled at Brickfest '05 (DC), The Great Ball Contraption will be
made up of many modules by builders from all over the country, any beyond.

This device will be a combination of Rube Goldberg and the Bucket Brigade,
passing soccer balls from one module to the next, where they will be pushed,
pulled, lifted, flipped, shot, rolled, dropped, etc...  before being passed

If a picture is worth 1,000 words:

Then a 28 second video (5mb) should be worth about 840,000 words:

And, a 92 second video (15mb)...  priceless.  Here's one ball passing through
our entire 10 module test assembly.

Keep in mind, that was built by me, and just a couple friends.  Imagine the
madness when AFoLs from all over contribute their modules to one of the greatest
works of moving LEGO artwork ever assembled...

To learn more, check out the web site:

Or if you have questions, feel free to post here.


Oh My Goodness!!!  I'm so there for this!!!

This looks like the funnest thing to happen to RCX's since rtl events.

Where does one purchase 20-30 soccer balls?

Dave K

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Great Ball Contraption
(...) Hidden somewhere on the page above, it says I can suppily you with soccer balls. Thanks to Christina, I have exactly enough to suppily EVERYONE with soccer balls. If I run short, I'll just talk with Larry... :) And, for the record, the you are (...) (19 years ago, 7-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Great Ball Contraption
In an attempt to provide Technic & Mindstorms builders the same cooperative building opportunity that's available to Moonbase, Castle, and Town/Train builders at Brickfest, we present to you: The Great Ball Contraption. When it's assembled at (...) (19 years ago, 7-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains,,, lugnet.announce) !! 

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