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 Robotics / 23263
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Re: The Great Ball Contraption
Fri, 7 Jan 2005 21:19:58 GMT
3476 times
In lugnet.robotics, Steve Hassenplug wrote:
In an attempt to provide Technic & Mindstorms builders the same cooperative
building opportunity that's available to Moonbase, Castle, and Town/Train
builders at Brickfest, we present to you: The Great Ball Contraption.

And, a 92 second video (15mb)...  priceless.  Here's one ball passing through
our entire 10 module test assembly.

I watched this (and considering I am on dial up) it was well worth the wait.
Man, this project is so cool!!!!!!!

Keep in mind, that was built by me, and just a couple friends.  Imagine the
madness when AFoLs from all over contribute their modules to one of the greatest
works of moving LEGO artwork ever assembled...

I am so looking forward to it.

To learn more, check out the web site:

Or if you have questions, feel free to post here.

No questions...... but one comment.....

Chris may be King of rtl, and Dave is King of the Sheets!
Move over guys, because Steve has got balls, and that makes him the *real* King,
at least in this FAFOL eyes.

Janey "Red Brick"

Message is in Reply To:
  The Great Ball Contraption
In an attempt to provide Technic & Mindstorms builders the same cooperative building opportunity that's available to Moonbase, Castle, and Town/Train builders at Brickfest, we present to you: The Great Ball Contraption. When it's assembled at (...) (19 years ago, 7-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic, lugnet.trains,,, lugnet.announce) !! 

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