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 Robotics / 23296
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Re: The Great Ball Contraption
Mon, 10 Jan 2005 04:07:12 GMT
4357 times
In lugnet.robotics, Steve Hassenplug wrote:

Hidden somewhere on the page above, it says I can suppily you with soccer balls.
Thanks to Christina, I have exactly enough to suppily EVERYONE with soccer balls.
If I run short, I'll just talk with Larry...  :)

Who will promptly tell you to talk to Nik. They're his, not mine. However I
CERTAINLY will be advising him to hold out for good space parts in trade. :)

I might have to see if we can build one or two of these, seems like good fun. I
might even try to see if I can use the MOST RCXs... since the least (0) has
already been done.

To the point of standards extension, I guess I would argue that just getting
this to work right the first (massively public, I know Steve and friends did
this already) time suggests that sticking to type I the first go might be a good
approach. If some wizards want to try their hand at 90s or 180s or
splitters/joiners that's all well and good but if they do not get into the
layout, so be it.

That's my view anyway. Not that I have a lot of street cred here.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Great Ball Contraption
(...) Hidden somewhere on the page above, it says I can suppily you with soccer balls. Thanks to Christina, I have exactly enough to suppily EVERYONE with soccer balls. If I run short, I'll just talk with Larry... :) And, for the record, the you are (...) (19 years ago, 7-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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