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Re: The Great Ball Contraption
Fri, 7 Jan 2005 16:51:30 GMT
4814 times
In lugnet.robotics, Steve Hassenplug wrote:
To learn more, check out the web site:

Oh My Goodness!!!  I'm so there for this!!!

This looks like the funnest thing to happen to RCX's since rtl events.

Where does one purchase 20-30 soccer balls?

Dave K

Hidden somewhere on the page above, it says I can suppily you with soccer balls.
Thanks to Christina, I have exactly enough to suppily EVERYONE with soccer balls.
If I run short, I'll just talk with Larry...  :)

I read that, I just decided to be a little more apparent, as in 'Gee Steve, send
me some balls!' ;)

I have a grande total of, wait for it... 1 soccer ball, and it came with my
Brickfest '04 set.

At your convenience, of course :)

Dave K

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Great Ball Contraption
(...) Or someone who owns a soccer ball could measure it and publish the size. Most craft stores sell a selection of little wooden balls. It might be cheaper to buy a few about the right size rather than paying to mail genuine Lego ones? Of course, (...) (19 years ago, 7-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Great Ball Contraption
(...) Hidden somewhere on the page above, it says I can suppily you with soccer balls. Thanks to Christina, I have exactly enough to suppily EVERYONE with soccer balls. If I run short, I'll just talk with Larry... :) And, for the record, the you are (...) (19 years ago, 7-Jan-05, to lugnet.robotics)

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