Re: gay by birth vs. gay by choice
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 03:50:31 GMT
220 times
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in article, David Eaton at wrote on
12/4/01 11:55 AM:
> Or is
> heterosexuality "genetic" and gayness not? Or are both genetic? Etc.
> DaveE
Sorry; I didn't read your too well, and I shouldn't have shot me mouth off.
I suspect the attraction is largely chemical/hormonal, and that is rather
obviously programmed into our genes, but this does not appear to be all of
it, since people seem to be continually able to come up with new parafilia.
I have no doubt there is already someone who is "turned on" by the Segway,
or the idea of "doing it" on a Segway. How could THAT be genetic, when
their genes have never heard of it? (You think I'm kidding....just wait a
few months, and I'll bet I can show you examples from the net)
Seems as though attraction is mostly genetic, but there seems to be some
fairly powerful experiential component to it. I have serious doubts that
"choice" ever enters into the matter.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | gay by birth vs. gay by choice
| the following is a question and answer excerpt from a debate on another website. The questions seem to me very clear and logical. The answers, however, do not; sometimes they seem rather desperate. I find it very interesting that the person (...) (23 years ago, 3-Dec-01, to
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