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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 178
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Re: mouse model manipulation
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 17:53:59 GMT
2624 times
In, Don Heyse writes:
Hmmm, according the the CVS logs I added the warping code just after
version 0.94.  Can anyone compare the two versions?  Or if the compiler
doesn't scare you, you can build a version of 0.95 that doesn't warp
the pointer by changing adding this one line of code to main.c.

#define NOT_WARPING 1

Put this near the top of the file and recompile.  I suspect it'll fix
the problem.

What the heck, since it's a one liner I hopped onto the sourceforge
compile farm and did it myself.  For good luck I also added the 3 line
ATI perspective mode fix.  Grab the new executable at:

If it works, I'll update the web page to serve up that one instead of
the original 0.95 release.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: mouse model manipulation
The update rotates much more predictably. Here are some movies of the 2 different version. In the old version, a slight mouse movement flips the model quite a bit. In the new version, the model doesn't move so much. Both of them show the pointer. I (...) (23 years ago, 13-Jun-02, to
  Re: mouse model manipulation
(...) It works great! Mouse rotation works as it ought to now. Definitely a big improvement. I'm glad you were able to deduce what the source of the problem was from all the symptoms we were reporting. Thanks, Jim (23 years ago, 13-Jun-02, to
  Re: mouse model manipulation
(...) Works great. By the way, is there a way to zoom in on a specific portion of a model? Thanks again! Chris (23 years ago, 13-Jun-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: mouse model manipulation
(...) Ok based on this and the observation that the first tiny rotation seems to be in the right direction I'm almost positive it's because the glutWarpPointer function doesn't work. I don't start warping the pointer until you've moved 10 pixels. (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-02, to

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