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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 167
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Re: mouse model manipulation
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 00:16:35 GMT
2598 times
On Monday, June 10, 2002, at 12:36  PM, Don Heyse wrote:

Maybe we can get to the bottom of this one.  Try the debugging command
line switch -g and see what it prints out when you do a mouse spin.  It
should spew all sorts of stuff to the console window.  Look for pdn(x,y)
and pan(x,y) to see if there's anything fishy there.  I'm almost willing
to bet glutWarpPointer(x,y) doesn't work on the Mac version of glut.
It's supposed to move the invisible pointer back to the middle of the
window whenever it gets more than 10 pixels out.  This fixed a problem
where the object would stop spinning when you moved the pointer outside
the window, but if glutWarpPointer doesn't work then the (x,y) coords
will move further and further away from the center of the window, and
further from where I think they should be, causing the model to spin
into never-never-land.

Well, I looked at the pdn and pan values, but they never seemed to get
crazy or anything (although I'm not familiar with the inner workings of
OpenGL so I'm not entirely sure what constitutes fishy). Their values stay
relatively close together.

In regards to the glutWarpPointer possibility, the model will continue to
spin even after the mouse leaves the window, so I'm not sure if that's it.

One thing I've realized on closer inspection is that the rotation works
better in orthographic mode than in perspective mode (I'm working in ledit
mode here)... although the direction of rotation still does not seem to
correspond closely with the mouse movement, the model is drawn in a more
proper orientation... it seems as if the smaller the mouse movement, the
more accurate the final position of the drawn model (as compared to the
wireframe during rotation), while large mouse movements result in greater
discrepancies. In perspective mode it seems much less predictable.

You know, even if its not that glutWarpPointer function, I would agree
that the problem is probably due to some Mac input glitch, not a problem
with the ldglite code (especially if mouse rotation works well enough on
other platforms). In any case, I think it will be less of an issue when
the keyboard commands we've discussed are implemented.

Its not really that serious of a bug, mouse rotation is certainly usable,
just not very intuitive or effecient. But still it'd be nice to iron it


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: mouse model manipulation
(...) Do you mean cursor doesn't disappear when you drag the mouse with the button pressed? It's supposed to. That way you can't see it warp back to the center of the window when it strays too far. Or does the cursor reappear when you leave the (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to
  Re: mouse model manipulation
(...) snip (...) Sorry Jim, I have to disagree. Mouse rotation is not usable on my PowerBook. The model almost always rotates in one direction whether the I start LDGLedit or LDGLite with the j or J option. But for building, I have found that the (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: mouse model manipulation
(...) Maybe we can get to the bottom of this one. Try the debugging command line switch -g and see what it prints out when you do a mouse spin. It should spew all sorts of stuff to the console window. Look for pdn(x,y) and pan(x,y) to see if there's (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to

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