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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 162
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Re: Could someone run a perspective mode test on ldglite?
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:57:36 GMT
2416 times
I know this isn't the exact best place to reply to this issue, but I just
thought I'd re-emphasize what someone said elsewhere in this thread about • mouse rotation: it's really annoying the way it 'works' now! When I try
to move my models around to take pictures of them it is really difficult
(more like random) getting nice perspectives.

I must've missed that elsewhere part of the thread.  Oh well, I'll address
it here.  Is this only a problem in perspective mode (-J), or are you
also having a problem spinning the model in orthographic mode?  I know
there's a bug calculating the x and y movements for the spin in perspective
mode that causes it to spin too much.  I guess it's time to figure that
one out and fix it...

Here is the post where the mouse issue was originally pointed out: (at the bottom of the post). It
doesn't matter what mode the program is in (perspective or orthographic), mouse
rotation is still off somewhat. Basically the problem is that when you
manipulate the model with the mouse (in either wireframe or bounding box mode),
it seems to correspond, but when you release the mouse button, the model is
drawn in a different orientation. Sometimes its not that bad and is pretty
usable, but sometimes its a pretty big difference. I'll try experimenting some
more to see if I can figure out how exactly it behaves (although I haven't
noticed much a pattern to the way it is displayed differently).

Alright, I'll report on my experience with the commands you listed (running
ldglite on Mac OS X 10.1.5).

Left Mouse Drag will rotate the model.
Shift Mouse Drag rotates the model in solid bounding box mode.

These methods work (albeit with the issues discussed above) in LEdit, I think
they do in LDraw too but it is prety slow (that has more to do with my machine,
though, because I was doing lots of things on it at the time).

Ctrl Mouse Drag rotates the model in solid studless mode.

Control dragging doesn't seem to have any effect.

Arrow keys turn the viewpoint camera 5 degrees left, right, up, down.
Alt Arrow keys roll the camera left, right, up, down.

These have effect in the LDraw mode.

Ctrl Arrow keys move the camera left, right, up, down.

Control arrow keys don't seem to do anything.

PGUP and PGDN move the camera in and out (only visible in perspective mode)

These work (in perspective mode).

I suspect the ctrl, shift, and alt modifiers don't work right on the
Mac right now.

The ctrl modifier doesn't seem to work, but shift and alt do.

I also added some fn keys to spin the model about
the various axis by 1 and 5 degrees but didn't document it because I'd
like to come up with a more consistent interface.  Here's the code
if you want to try it (no guarentees on the Mac though):


It does work! Furthermore, this kind of spinning is more useful (to me) than
the translation and rolling provided by the arrows and alt-arrows. Personally,
I would even prefer to have this functionallity as alt-arrow or ctrl-arrow
rather than camera rolling. See, I think it is important because these commands
are focused on the model (or at least the origin of the axes), while the camera
moving/rolling commands are not, which makes it easier to become "lost" or
disoriented while moving the camera with them. In other words, I think it is
easier to come up with good perspectives of the models by orbiting them than by
independantly moving the camera about them because orbiting automatically
'tracks' the model, assuming the model is located near the origin.

I suppose being able to move the camera independantly is helpful for actual
scene modelling, but for my purposes - which currently is just taking pictures
of single models from various nifty angles - orbiting the model is more

Hopefully that makes sense, basically what I'm saying is that the FN button
spinning commands you mentioned do work, and that I find them to be useful, so
it'd be great if they were further developed and documented.

Also many of the keypad keys take on new meanings for moving
individual pieces in LEDIT emulation mode.  I'd like to keep the key
bindings the same in all modes if possible.

Yes, it would be grand if these commands worked in LEdit mode, too. It would be
nice if there was a common set of viewing commands for both modes - although I
see that there could be complications, since of course the arrow keys are used
to move pieces in LEdit while they move the camera in LDraw mode. It would be
nice since I spend a lot more time in LEdit mode than in the LDraw mode, and
I'd like to be able to move things around to get the best view while working on

Once more, its abosultely wonderful having a program like this for the Mac.
Hopefully my feedback can help make it even better.


Message has 2 Replies:
  mouse model manipulation
More about mouse spinning - as Chris mentioned in the post I noted before, when rotating the model with the mouse it often doesn't seem to rotate appropriately for the direction of mouse movement -- the model will rotate about a given axis as if it (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to
  Re: Could someone run a perspective mode test on ldglite?
(...) Hmmm, well, I don't believe I've ever received a single comment on the "camera" moving keys before. Plus I've never been quite happy with the way they affect the opengl view matrix (but not the ldraw matrix). So I suppose I could just redefine (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Could someone run a perspective mode test on ldglite?
(...) Hi Jim, the internet is a bit smaller than you thought, eh? Imagine my surprise to find a website full of pictures from someone (besides myself) who actually uses ldglite? (...) I must've missed that elsewhere part of the thread. Oh well, I'll (...) (23 years ago, 10-Jun-02, to,

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