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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 173
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Re: mouse model manipulation
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 19:27:48 GMT
2642 times
On Monday, June 10, 2002, at 10:09  PM, Don Heyse wrote:

In regards to the glutWarpPointer possibility, the model will continue to
spin even after the mouse leaves the window, so I'm not sure if that's

Do you mean cursor doesn't disappear when you drag the mouse with the
button pressed?  It's supposed to.  That way you can't see it warp back
to the center of the window when it strays too far.  Or does the cursor
reappear when you leave the window?  It shouldn't do that either unless
the Mac has a really bad pointer focus policy.

The cursor does not disappear when the you drag the mouse with button
pressed. However, neither does it "warp" back to the center of the window
when it leaves the window - the cursor just moves as expected. (Although
since I don't know OpenGL or the ldglite code, perhaps there is an
internal program 'cursor' that you are referring to? In any case that is
not drawn, just the regular system cursor.) The actual mouse cursor does
not seem to behave strangely.

One thing I've realized on closer inspection is that the rotation works
better in orthographic mode than in perspective mode (I'm working in
mode here)... although the direction of rotation still does not seem to
correspond closely with the mouse movement, the model is drawn in a more
proper orientation... it seems as if the smaller the mouse movement, the
more accurate the final position of the drawn model (as compared to the
wireframe during rotation), while large mouse movements result in greater
discrepancies. In perspective mode it seems much less predictable.

That sounds a bit more normal.  Is it just because the redraw is too
slow?  Try the using the l3 parser by passing -l3 on the command line.
It refreshes faster because it doesn't reparse the files everytime it
has to draw them.  It also calculates bounding boxes for the parts,
which also speeds up the default spin mode redraws quite a bit.

I think I was using the l3 parser - I was talking about LEdit mode then (I
believe the l3 parser is default in that mode). Although yes, the speed of
the ldlite parser probably contributes to the problem in ldraw mode.

I don't really know what the deal is here. I would still guess that the
problem is that at some level the mouse input is not being properly
communicated to the code that uses it - not that that code is actually
misusing it. (?)

Speaking of the ldlite parser: when using it to view some models, for
instance my minicoupe.mpd model
(, it
always prints lots of lines like the following to the console:

comment Syntax error on line 7157

Where the line specified is way bigger than the number of lines in the
model. Every time this line is printed the number is bigger (7157... 7167.
.. 7177... 7187, although I'm not sure if it always ends in 7). However
there are no problems with how the model is displayed, just this line. My
question is, is this a bug in the ldlite parser, or is this due to a
problem with the way my model files are formatted? (I am especially
interested in this because I've written an MPD file utility, and if there
is a problem with my file formatting I would definetly like to know about

Which sounds better?  Spin the model 180 degrees by moving the mouse
half the window width (or height).  Or spin 180 degrees by moving the
mouse say 200 pixels?

I guess I would say 180 degrees per half the window height... although
depending on the size of your window it might be more convenient to have
it absolutely defined. Any other opinions?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: mouse model manipulation
(...) I like the idea of absolute based on the zoom. So, at 100% zoom, 100 pixels will rotate it x degrees. At 50% zoom, 100 pixels will rotate it by x/2 degrees. Just my idea. I don't know if it would actually be nicer or not. James (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to
  Re: mouse model manipulation
(...) Ok based on this and the observation that the first tiny rotation seems to be in the right direction I'm almost positive it's because the glutWarpPointer function doesn't work. I don't start warping the pointer until you've moved 10 pixels. (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jun-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: mouse model manipulation
(...) Do you mean cursor doesn't disappear when you drag the mouse with the button pressed? It's supposed to. That way you can't see it warp back to the center of the window when it strays too far. Or does the cursor reappear when you leave the (...) (23 years ago, 11-Jun-02, to

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