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Re: Thanks but no thanks
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 18:54:55 GMT
1485 times

I just read through this entire thread out of curiosity.
Man, what is going on here?  You are a little spaz.

If you don't want to get solicitation emails from this guy, put him on ignore,
man.  Don't like the fact that you are charged for email space in your inbox?
Get an internet only account, such as Yahoo or Hotmail.  They don't charge you
for inbox space, in fact ... they are FREE.  They can be accessed from a
browser anywhere in the world, as long as you have your TCP/IP connection

Some guy is trying to make an honest living, and you come on this public forum
and rant and whine amd try to insult and belittle him.

I don't care what you think of me one iota, so I'll say what a lot of people
here are surely thinking: Grow the hell up and deal with it.

Get back to talking about LEGO and this wonderful hobby.  You'll be missing out
if you hav a knee jerk, spastic reaction and never visit LUGNET again.
Yeah, that's probably a flame. So what.


In lugnet.general, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
Tom, Chris, Larry, Matt, and Todd (and others):  thanks for your input.  I
really do appreciate it.

Everyone else:  Hey, you know what guys?  Forget it.  It's been made clear to
me that this particular raving nutcake, noisy whiner, hypocrite, hater, and
(BTW) long-time contributing supporter of the Internet Lego community and
paying member of LUGNET is not welcome here.  As for Andreas, I have dealt • with
him really only once; I had no idea he was such a godlike, upstanding member • of
the community.  I'm glad he's yours.

I'm out of here.

- jsproat

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Thanks but no thanks
(...) <snippage> You missed Jeremy's point. (Yes, he was being extreme - but no more so than any number of people that post regularly, and far less than some) UCE is wrong & bad, and all that stuff. People are welcome to make an honest living - they (...) (24 years ago, 26-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,
  Re: Thanks but no thanks
(...) You know, even _I_ am tweaked by how inappropriate this note is. Chris (24 years ago, 26-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Thanks but no thanks
Tom, Chris, Larry, Matt, and Todd (and others): thanks for your input. I really do appreciate it. Everyone else: Hey, you know what guys? Forget it. It's been made clear to me that this particular raving nutcake, noisy whiner, hypocrite, hater, and (...) (24 years ago, 26-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,

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