Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces)
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 17:17:46 GMT
1309 times
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In lugnet.general, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
> In lugnet.general, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > I just got spammed by Andreas Stabno; he's hawking a sale of his.
> [snip]
> I run parts auctions from time to time. I sporadically keep a list of
> participants (winners, actually) and when I launch an auction, I announce it
> on rtl, lma, and by sending a note to that mailing list. I let them know
> what I'm doing, tell them that I'd be happy to remove their name from my list
> to avoid future annoyance, and tell them where to go see the auction stuff.
> Is that what Andreas did to you?
> I've had 1-2% of the people who get my notes ask to be removed from my list,
> and I've never had anyone complain about it.
> Is that advertising vector generally despised, or is it just Jeremy? It seems
> like if I were pissing people off, I'd have heard about it. So if what I'm
> doing is OK, and what Andreas is doing is not, then what is the quality that
> makes them so?
I don't know about this specific situation (not being at my home e-mail, I
don't know if I got this iteration of UCE), but I tend to side with Jeremy on
this issue.
However, it's probably relevant to point out that I'm a rabid opponent of
unsolicited advertising. It's a pretty good way to guarantee that I'll never
buy what you're selling.
Yes, I do consider it unsolicited to get an e-mail that says 'hey you bought
from me before, I'm selling something else now' unless I was specifically
asked if it was OK when I bought the first time.
YMMV (and probably does)
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