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Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces)
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 17:17:46 GMT
1309 times
In lugnet.general, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
In lugnet.general, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
Hey all,

I just got spammed by Andreas Stabno; he's hawking a sale of his.

I run parts auctions from time to time.  I sporadically keep a list of
participants (winners, actually) and when I launch an auction, I announce it
on rtl, lma, and by sending a note to that mailing list.  I let them know
what I'm doing, tell them that I'd be happy to remove their name from my list
to avoid future annoyance, and tell them where to go see the auction stuff.
Is that what Andreas did to you?

I've had 1-2% of the people who get my notes ask to be removed from my list,
and I've never had anyone complain about it.

Is that advertising vector generally despised, or is it just Jeremy?  It seems
like if I were pissing people off, I'd have heard about it.  So if what I'm
doing is OK, and what Andreas is doing is not, then what is the quality that
makes them so?

I don't know about this specific situation (not being at my home e-mail, I
don't know if I got this iteration of UCE), but I tend to side with Jeremy on
this issue.

However, it's probably relevant to point out that I'm a rabid opponent of
unsolicited advertising.  It's a pretty good way to guarantee that I'll never
buy what you're selling.

Yes, I do consider it unsolicited to get an e-mail that says 'hey you bought
from me before, I'm selling something else now' unless I was specifically
asked if it was OK when I bought the first time.

YMMV (and probably does)


Message has 2 Replies:
  sale and auction advertisements (was: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces))
(...) I would like to avoid that kind of bad feeling. When my auction is over, I send out one big email to the winners with the total winnings listed out. If I included a clause something like "I normally would add your email address to my auction (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to,
  Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces)
(...) I find myself particularly leniant with these spams, sadly... I don't agree with the fact that they're spams, but at least they're really not dished out at complete random (i.e. you know your recipient at least has a chance of being (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces)
(...) [snip] I run parts auctions from time to time. I sporadically keep a list of participants (winners, actually) and when I launch an auction, I announce it on rtl, lma, and by sending a note to that mailing list. I let them know what I'm doing, (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,

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