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Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces)
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 17:49:11 GMT
1542 times
In lugnet.general, James Brown writes:
I don't know about this specific situation (not being at my home e-mail, I
don't know if I got this iteration of UCE), but I tend to side with Jeremy on
this issue.

However, it's probably relevant to point out that I'm a rabid opponent of
unsolicited advertising.  It's a pretty good way to guarantee that I'll never
buy what you're selling.

Yes, I do consider it unsolicited to get an e-mail that says 'hey you bought
from me before, I'm selling something else now' unless I was specifically
asked if it was OK when I bought the first time.

I find myself particularly leniant with these spams, sadly... I don't agree
with the fact that they're spams, but at least they're really not dished out
at complete random (i.e. you know your recipient at least has a chance of
being interested). Also, (gosh I'm a sucker), I always go check them out, even
if I'm not really interested in buying at the moment.

Additionally, I find myself leniant because I usually have dealt with them in
the past. Every lego sale 'spam' I've gotten has been from someone I've dealt
with before, and I at least have exchanged dialogue with them before... kinda
takes the edge off...

But mostly, I think it's because I don't get them non-stop. They're typically
very few and far between (I haven't recieved more than 1 Lego-related spams
within the span of two months or so. I'm sure if I got them with the frequency
of the "Accept credit cards! You're loosing money!" spams, I'd be much more

However, I do agree that in principal, it's quite wrong... I just tend to be
less hostile towards them than I really should be, I suppose.

FUT theory

YMMV (and probably does)

Ok, I checked around on LUGNET for this acronym-- what exactly does it mean?
As near as I can tell, something like "Your opinions may differ"... Could it
be "Your Mind May Vary"?

FUT ? (really need an off-topic.other :)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces)
(...) Well, this is a debatable point, I guess. *Should* you be hostile? Jeremy is, and that's fine for him. I'm not. I don't think you should feel guilty that you're not hostile enough. If you see what I mean. (...) (YCLIU, but... ) Your Mileage (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Beware more SPAM from Andreas Stabno (Was: KC Masterpieces)
(...) I don't know about this specific situation (not being at my home e-mail, I don't know if I got this iteration of UCE), but I tend to side with Jeremy on this issue. However, it's probably relevant to point out that I'm a rabid opponent of (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to lugnet.general,

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