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Re: Space stations?
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 00:23:44 GMT
4059 times
In, Mark de Kock writes:
Well, I am more into building the original models. So my spaceport looks like
a combination of _all_bases_ever_released_ by TLG. I am still looking for new
base-plates to connect them all and to facilitate enough landingplaces for all
by big Spaceships.
No pictures yet...still deciding where to start my homepage.

That's cool Mark. Pick a homepage, any page. I wanna see, I wanna see!

I've got no problem with .space including official models (especially the
older ones :-)

-Tom McD.
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Space stations?
(...) Well, I am more into building the original models. So my spaceport looks like a combination of _all_bases_ever_released_ by TLG. I am still looking for new base-plates to connect them all and to facilitate enough landingplaces for all by big (...) (25 years ago, 23-Sep-99, to

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