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 Administrative / General / 3817
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Re: Has anyone ever been missing a piece?
lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 22:04:16 GMT
249 times
On Sun, 19 Dec 1999 06:08:59 GMT, Larry Pieniazek <>

You agreed with the TOS when you joined, why flaunt the terms this way?
This ISN'T the public internet(2), and you know it.  Thanks.

I know it. I just need a little reminding of where I am sometimes.
Post is cancelled, BTW.

1 - I'm NOT shielding them from reality, I just choose to choose what
experiences they experience.

Isn't that the same thing? (F-up that to debate)

2 - and viva la difference!

Isn't that "Le roi est mort, vive le Roi!"?

fund Lugnet(tm): ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to lugnet.

Wonder when ebay is going to sue this ebates thing.

See (that one can go to .debate as well)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Has anyone ever been missing a piece?
(...) Look, you're my friend and everything but do you HAVE to use that word on this site? Just because my kids already know that word, know what it means and all, and have heard it used before doesn't mean that I want them reading it HERE. (1) You (...) (25 years ago, 19-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.general)

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