Re: Whatever happened...
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 15:22:38 GMT
931 times
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In, Dan Boger wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 02:53:46PM +0000, David Koudys wrote:
> > And I think that, once again, Calum put into one wonderful post
> > exactly what I'm feeling. TLC is getting better with their products
> > and communication with the fans, and the fans are getting worse.
> Yah, go Calum! I should write something that will allow me to subscribe
> to some people's posts, no matter where they are.
Oh, I just hate it when Calum's right about stuff. Prolly almost as much as he
hates it when I'm right. Fortunately for me, there's a frequency difference
there. :)
> > Eh, hang out at rtl and talk about The Sibbie.
> I will never-ever-ever make a post about The Sibbie!
Me either.
Oops. That wiki scares me, it takes obsession to a Whole New Level(tm)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Whatever happened...
| (...) Anytime we can mention the number 1 (or two, if you like 'The Burninator!!!" more...) all time best SB E-mail... fhqwhgads Though, for me, my all-time favourite still is "Can you play the guitar?"--it's so nostalgic with the lack of easter (...) (20 years ago, 21-Dec-04, to
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 | | Re: Whatever happened...
| (...) Yah, go Calum! I should write something that will allow me to subscribe to some people's posts, no matter where they are. (...) I will never-ever-ever make a post about The Sibbie! (20 years ago, 21-Dec-04, to
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