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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 12628
12627  |  12629
Re: Whatever happened...
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 15:22:38 GMT
931 times
In, Dan Boger wrote:
On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 02:53:46PM +0000, David Koudys wrote:
And I think that, once again, Calum put into one wonderful post
exactly what I'm feeling. TLC is getting better with their products
and communication with the fans, and the fans are getting worse.

Yah, go Calum!  I should write something that will allow me to subscribe
to some people's posts, no matter where they are.

Oh, I just hate it when Calum's right about stuff. Prolly almost as much as he
hates it when I'm right. Fortunately for me, there's a frequency difference
there. :)

Eh, hang out at rtl and talk about The Sibbie.

I will never-ever-ever make a post about The Sibbie!

Me either.

Oops. That wiki scares me, it takes obsession to a Whole New Level(tm)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Whatever happened...
(...) Anytime we can mention the number 1 (or two, if you like 'The Burninator!!!" more...) all time best SB E-mail... fhqwhgads Though, for me, my all-time favourite still is "Can you play the guitar?"--it's so nostalgic with the lack of easter (...) (20 years ago, 21-Dec-04, to

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  Re: Whatever happened...
(...) Yah, go Calum! I should write something that will allow me to subscribe to some people's posts, no matter where they are. (...) I will never-ever-ever make a post about The Sibbie! (20 years ago, 21-Dec-04, to  

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