Re: Whatever happened...
Tue, 21 Dec 2004 21:31:08 GMT
820 times
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> Calum Tsang wrote:
> > You know, I didn't think of that, and it's a really good point Dave. A lot of
> > opportunities are going to disappear when Jake and/or Lego finally get fed up
> > with us.
> I wouldn't be surprised if opportunities have already been lost. I also
> fear the day that Jake finally gets fed up and quits. I don't see
> anyone else stepping forward to fill these shoes, and I don't see Lego
> Corporate feeling much presser to have them filled.
I was thinking about this earlier. Jake just needs to shut-up. Whenever he starts
talking, it seems to get him (and TLC) into trouble.
Imagine if he had never said anything about the Maersk ship. People would not have
expected it to become a collectable. They would have just bought it because it's
Personally, I feel bad for him, but I'm glad he's gone through so much effort to
give us fans a peek into that huge company.
I continue to cling to a couple statements he made at Brickfest: 1) Mindstorms is
NOT dead. 2) The future of Mindstorms is NOT the 2.0
Of course, if he's lying to us about that, like everything else, I say we string him
up, and poke him with Bionacle swords.
Jake fan club: where do I sign-up?
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Whatever happened...
| (...) I think I may have to make a new year's resolution, give up on lugnet and just browse brickshelf instead. That's where most of today's cool MOCs show up anyhow. Lugnet doesn't seem to have a lot to do with the art and craft of Lego these days. (...) (20 years ago, 21-Dec-04, to
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 | | Re: Whatever happened...
| (...) I wouldn't be surprised if opportunities have already been lost. I also fear the day that Jake finally gets fed up and quits. I don't see anyone else stepping forward to fill these shoes, and I don't see Lego Corporate feeling much presser to (...) (20 years ago, 21-Dec-04, to
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