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Re: Whatever happened... LETS end this.....
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 04:13:22 GMT
832 times
In, Kyle D. Jackson wrote:
Hey Lar, since you read every post once and
reply twice  ;]


I know you're reading this, so help get us an answer on the
above ideas that require Admin action.  How about we get an answer on the
trimmed .market heirarchy by the New Year?

I'll give you an answer right now, how's that.

As I understand it (remember I ain't the techie here, just the gadfly) the
technology to archive a group exists. The group itself doesn't go away, it's
just not visible any more, stuff doesn't come up in searches, etc., although all
the data is still there if you know how to find it. (1)

Why do I know that? Because we were talking about archiving groups on the TT
list not very long ago.

Here's your answer on .market (and it's the best I got for now): "we're thinking
about it"

The rest, I'm not sure where we are on them. But they are ideas worth thinking

I REALLY like your statement that people need to post more about MOCs and groups
and their activities. That doesn't take admin action. Just do it.

1 -  put this in your browser:  .. none of
the posts ever come up in searches but they're still there.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Whatever happened... LETS end this.....
(...) Well, since S.A. doesn't seem to be around anymore to keep you on your toes, somebody's gotta take up the slack ;] (...) Sounds perfect! (...) Okay, fair enough. That was your first reply..., you could use the second one for the definite (...) (20 years ago, 23-Dec-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Whatever happened... LETS end this.....
(...) [snip] There is so much interesting discussion in this thread, I couldn't decide which post I wanted to reply to most. But I picked this one because of this one phrase. I often find that while sitting in front of the PC to respond to a post, I (...) (20 years ago, 22-Dec-04, to  

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