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Re: John E. Doolittle
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 15:31:55 GMT
4776 times
Capt. Doolittle needs a Nemesis.  A thorn in his side.  How about the Captian
that Waite hires to un-do Dolittle?

Meet Captain Otto von Wurstluk.  (fanfare and appropriately martial music • comes

Awfully sorry about that, it seems he already has several people in a not-happy
mood at him.  That's what I get for not re-reading the back-story.

Perhaps Capt. Otto vW can be the "worst" sort of merchantman Doolittle takes
on.  The perpetual captain of the Brickish Museum expeditions "because it's
always been done that way"


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: John E. Doolittle
(...) through a very echo-ey place here) Capt. Doolittle needs a Nemesis. A thorn in his side. How about the Captian that Waite hires to un-do Dolittle? Meet Captain Otto von Wurstluk. (fanfare and appropriately martial music comes up). Captain (...) (24 years ago, 2-Feb-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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