Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
Thu, 8 Jun 2000 20:44:28 GMT
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In lugnet.starwars, John Robert Blaze Kanehl writes:
> No flames please = )
> I consider myself a SW fan, but by no means do I know as much as many of you...
> What is the purpose of the B-wing and A-wing? (vs. the X-wing and Y-wing)
The A wing was introduced for recon, escort, and interceptor purposes as well
as for quick raids. It has shields and a hyperdrive two lasers and a pair of
concussion missle launchers.
Y wing is an old outdated bomber which was replaced by the B wing. It had
hyperdrive, needed an astromech and could carry two passengers is some
models. It also had 2 torpedo launchers, 2 lasers and 2 ion cannons.
X wing is the multi-purpose fighter, with 4 lasers, 2 torpedo launchers,
astromech droid and hyperdrive. Its was the Rebel superiority fighter, like
the P51 Mustang of the Rebel Fleet.
B wing is the replacement Heavy Fighter/Bomber. It replaces the Y wing. Its
got Hyperdrive, 3 ion cannons, 3 lasers and a huge torpedo bay. It needs no
Astromech. Its faster than the Y wing it replaces, but still slower and less
agile than the X wing. Armor and Shielding are heavy duty. 1 Squad of B
wings is said to be able to take out a Star Destroyer, a single B wing can
take down a Nubulon Frigate with ease (the ship luke and leia were in after
his hand was replaced with a fake one at the end of ESB). Its strange shape
is due to the ability to keep the cockpit and pilot locked in on a target and
have the rest of the ship rotate to keep a target locked in.
> I realize the x-wing is a mainline fighter and the Y-wing is a bomber...Are
> the A+B wings just updated versions of those types, fighter +bomber?
> (I thought I saw someone say the Awing was adept at combatting
> Tie-interceptors, I believe)
True, the A wing and TIE/I have almost equivalent agility and speed, however
the A wing has shields and a hyperdrive, so it can come in and get out
quicker. Perfect for raids.
> DO all of the rebel fighters have hyperdrives?
Yes, but the later models didn't need astromech droids for navigation. So
basically the A and B wings are new tech and the X and Y are older tech.
Jason F.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
| (...) Amendment: Astromech Droids are able to carry 10 preprogrammed hyperdrive routes in memory, and can recalculate for new jumps with some ease and a little time. Rebel hyperdrive equiped fighters not using Astromechs or sophisticated computers (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | A couple stupid SW questions...
| No flames please = ) I consider myself a SW fan, but by no means do I know as much as many of you... What is the purpose of the B-wing and A-wing? (vs. the X-wing and Y-wing) I realize the x-wing is a mainline fighter and the Y-wing is a (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)
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