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Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
Thu, 8 Jun 2000 20:44:28 GMT
971 times
In lugnet.starwars, John Robert Blaze Kanehl writes:
No flames please = )

I consider myself a SW fan, but by no means do I know as much as many of • you...

What is the purpose of the B-wing and A-wing? (vs. the X-wing and Y-wing)

The A wing was introduced for recon, escort, and interceptor purposes as well
as for quick raids.  It has shields and a hyperdrive two lasers and a pair of
concussion missle launchers.
Y wing is an old outdated bomber which was replaced by the B wing.  It had
hyperdrive, needed an astromech and could carry two passengers is some
models.  It also had 2 torpedo launchers, 2 lasers and 2 ion cannons.
X wing is the multi-purpose fighter, with 4 lasers, 2 torpedo launchers,
astromech droid and hyperdrive.  Its was the Rebel superiority fighter, like
the P51 Mustang of the Rebel Fleet.
B wing is the replacement Heavy Fighter/Bomber.  It replaces the Y wing.  Its
got Hyperdrive, 3 ion cannons, 3 lasers and a huge torpedo bay.  It needs no
Astromech.  Its faster than the Y wing it replaces, but still slower and less
agile than the X wing.  Armor and Shielding are heavy duty.  1 Squad of B
wings is said to be able to take out a Star Destroyer, a single B wing can
take down a Nubulon Frigate with ease (the ship luke and leia were in after
his hand was replaced with a fake one at the end of ESB).  Its strange shape
is due to the ability to keep the cockpit and pilot locked in on a target and
have the rest of the ship rotate to keep a target locked in.

I realize the x-wing is a mainline fighter and the Y-wing is a bomber...Are
the A+B wings just updated versions of those types, fighter +bomber?
(I thought I saw someone say the Awing was adept at combatting
Tie-interceptors, I believe)

True, the A wing and TIE/I have almost equivalent agility and speed, however
the A wing has shields and a hyperdrive, so it can come in and get out
quicker.  Perfect for raids.

DO all of the rebel fighters have hyperdrives?

Yes, but the later models didn't need astromech droids for navigation.  So
basically the A and B wings are new tech and the X and Y are older tech.

Jason F.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
(...) Amendment: Astromech Droids are able to carry 10 preprogrammed hyperdrive routes in memory, and can recalculate for new jumps with some ease and a little time. Rebel hyperdrive equiped fighters not using Astromechs or sophisticated computers (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  A couple stupid SW questions...
No flames please = ) I consider myself a SW fan, but by no means do I know as much as many of you... What is the purpose of the B-wing and A-wing? (vs. the X-wing and Y-wing) I realize the x-wing is a mainline fighter and the Y-wing is a (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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