Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
Thu, 8 Jun 2000 18:28:27 GMT
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In lugnet.starwars, John Robert Blaze Kanehl writes:
> No flames please = )
> I consider myself a SW fan, but by no means do I know as much as many of
> you...
> What is the purpose of the B-wing and A-wing? (vs. the X-wing and Y-wing)
> I realize the x-wing is a mainline fighter and the Y-wing is a bomber...Are
> the A+B wings just updated versions of those types, fighter +bomber?
> (I thought I saw someone say the Awing was adept at combatting
> Tie-interceptors, I believe)
Basically the Y-wing is an old fighter/bomber that by the end of the trilogy
was pretty much past its useful service. The A-wing is a very fast but not
very powerful fighter. Because of its speed it is better at fighting
Tie-interceptors in open places because it can keep up. The B-wing is a newer
fighter that is a balance of Speed, Power, and agility although it is not as
good at fighting in atmosphere as the X-Wing.
Personally the B-wing is my favorite.
> DO all of the rebel fighters have hyperdrives?
I don't think the A-Wing does but all the rest do.
> Thanks for baring with me...
> John
> (who loves that there are virtually no wheels in the SW theme universe!)
And the wheels that are included are NOT prototypical to anything in SW.
(The Naboo fighter is the only set that has wheels used in a conventional sense
that I can think of).
Thats pretty symplistic but I think it answers your question.
Eric Kingsley
The New England LEGO Users Group
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Message is in Reply To:
 | | A couple stupid SW questions...
| No flames please = ) I consider myself a SW fan, but by no means do I know as much as many of you... What is the purpose of the B-wing and A-wing? (vs. the X-wing and Y-wing) I realize the x-wing is a mainline fighter and the Y-wing is a (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)
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