Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
Fri, 9 Jun 2000 20:06:52 GMT
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Nathan McDowell wrote:
> In lugnet.starwars, John Robert Blaze Kanehl writes:
> > No flames please = )
> >
> > I consider myself a SW fan, but by no means do I know as much as many of you...
> >
> > What is the purpose of the B-wing and A-wing? (vs. the X-wing and Y-wing)
> >
> > I realize the x-wing is a mainline fighter and the Y-wing is a bomber...Are
> > the A+B wings just updated versions of those types, fighter +bomber?
> > (I thought I saw someone say the Awing was adept at combatting
> > Tie-interceptors, I believe)
> >
> > DO all of the rebel fighters have hyperdrives?
> >
> > Thanks for baring with me...
> >
> > John
> > (who loves that there are virtually no wheels in the SW theme universe!)
> My understanding was that the B-Wing was the heavy, heavy, heavy duty fighter
> that could take a lot of damage from fighters and take on up to smallish
> capital size ships in combat. The A-Wing was the hit and run type fighter or
> the convoy escort type fighter, either way it was just designed to be fast as
> all get out and pack lighter armament than the other rebel fighters. All the
> rebel fighters have hyperdrives but only the X-Wing and the Y-Wing have
> Astromech droids, the other two have onboard computers that do the trick,
> apparently. The Expanded Universe has the E-Wing and the V-Wing and maybe some
> others, but I really don't know about that... =)
> ~Nathan
Hey I've never seen an E-Wing. Could someone link me to a pic? =)
Agent 0007
AIM: Agent O0O7
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
| Look for it on the Star Wars 3D Modeling Alliance, (URL) a direct link to an E-Wing pic on SWMA: (URL) is a great source for renderings of SW ships. They have many different ships, including the E-Wing and even the V-Wing. I personally don't like (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
| (...) you... (...) My understanding was that the B-Wing was the heavy, heavy, heavy duty fighter that could take a lot of damage from fighters and take on up to smallish capital size ships in combat. The A-Wing was the hit and run type fighter or (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)
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