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Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
Fri, 9 Jun 2000 20:06:52 GMT
1021 times
Nathan McDowell wrote:

In lugnet.starwars, John Robert Blaze Kanehl writes:
No flames please = )

I consider myself a SW fan, but by no means do I know as much as many of • you...

What is the purpose of the B-wing and A-wing? (vs. the X-wing and Y-wing)

I realize the x-wing is a mainline fighter and the Y-wing is a bomber...Are
the A+B wings just updated versions of those types, fighter +bomber?
(I thought I saw someone say the Awing was adept at combatting
Tie-interceptors, I believe)

DO all of the rebel fighters have hyperdrives?

Thanks for baring with me...

(who loves that there are virtually no wheels in the SW theme universe!)

My understanding was that the B-Wing was the heavy, heavy, heavy duty fighter
that could take a lot of damage from fighters and take on up to smallish
capital size ships in combat.  The A-Wing was the hit and run type fighter or
the convoy escort type fighter, either way it was just designed to be fast as
all get out and pack lighter armament than the other rebel fighters.  All the
rebel fighters have hyperdrives but only the X-Wing and the Y-Wing have
Astromech droids, the other two have onboard computers that do the trick,
apparently. The Expanded Universe has the E-Wing and the V-Wing and maybe some
others, but I really don't know about that... =)


Hey I've never seen an E-Wing. Could someone link me to a pic? =)

Agent 0007
AIM: Agent O0O7

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
Look for it on the Star Wars 3D Modeling Alliance, (URL) a direct link to an E-Wing pic on SWMA: (URL) is a great source for renderings of SW ships. They have many different ships, including the E-Wing and even the V-Wing. I personally don't like (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
Go to: (URL) pic, but info on the E-Wing Adam (...) fighter (...) or (...) as (...) the (...) some (...) (25 years ago, 9-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A couple stupid SW questions...
(...) you... (...) My understanding was that the B-Wing was the heavy, heavy, heavy duty fighter that could take a lot of damage from fighters and take on up to smallish capital size ships in combat. The A-Wing was the hit and run type fighter or (...) (25 years ago, 8-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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