In lugnet.off-topic.debate, Maggie Cambron writes:
> It also pains me that I have seen two
> people on Lugnet who certainly should have known better write "between you and
> I". And while I'm at it "drug" is not a past tense of "drag"! Since
> "short-lived" means "having a short life", the correct pronunciation should be
> obvious.
> If I think of other examples I'll be more than happy share them-- can you tell
> that I could care less about this topic? A LOT less?
Say on, sister! A particular gripe for me is "irregardless," which for
some reason sees a lot of use in my office. Further, as I've mentioned
before, I am thoroughly vexed by "nukuler" in place of "nuclear."
I'm not sufficiently pedantic to suggest that we in the US should return
whole-hog to speaking British, but come on!
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