Re: "France is not a Western Country anymore"
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 00:53:39 GMT
936 times
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In, Richie Dulin writes:
> In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > In, Richie Dulin writes:
> > > In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > > <snip>
> > > > You might want to look into some of the provisions of sharia to see if it,
> > > > itself, is flawed, and if it is, it's not possible to dismiss the problems
> > > > with islam as the actions of a "few non-representative extremists", because
> > > > the basic tenets themselves are flawed.
> > > >
> > > > I'll admit to not having a great deal of digging on this topic, but when I
> > > > did some superficial searches, I found things like stoning to death for
> > > > adultery, 100 lashes for fornication, cutting off hands for theft,
> > > <snip>
> > >
> > > Far better to simply declare that all rights are property rights and assign
> > > a dollar value for all transgressions, eh Larry?
> >
> > You're being sarcastic, but I'll take you seriously anyway...
> Why would sarcasm be a reason *not* to take a comment seriously?
> > my answer is
> > yes. Seems fairer to me than imposing sharia on all residents of a country
> > just because an islamic government happens to get into power.
> But it's okay simply declare that all rights are property rights and assign
> a dollar value for all transgressions, just because a capitalist government*
> happens to get into power?
Capitalist governments, *by definition*, don't just "happen" to get into
power, and the process of assigning dollar values is not random, capricious,
unappealable, or unchanging.
Given those clarifications... yes, in my view, it is OK for such a
government to do just that.
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 | | Re: "France is not a Western Country anymore"
| (...) Why would sarcasm be a reason *not* to take a comment seriously? (...) But it's okay simply declare that all rights are property rights and assign a dollar value for all transgressions, just because a capitalist government* happens to get into (...) (22 years ago, 21-Apr-03, to
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