Re: "France is not a Western Country anymore"
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 12:59:32 GMT
755 times
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In, Dave Schuler writes:
> But then what? Do you deride the whole of the belief system because of the
> actions of a few non-representative extremists? That appears to be
> what you're
> suggesting re: Islam.
What if the belief system itself is flawed? As I understand it, to be a good
muslim, one has to follow sharia (religious law).
Sharia is used as civil law in many countries and in many others, it's being
pushed as something that SHOULD be used as civil law and held applicable to
all citizens, muslim or not.
You might want to look into some of the provisions of sharia to see if it,
itself, is flawed, and if it is, it's not possible to dismiss the problems
with islam as the actions of a "few non-representative extremists", because
the basic tenets themselves are flawed.
I'll admit to not having a great deal of digging on this topic, but when I
did some superficial searches, I found things like stoning to death for
adultery, 100 lashes for fornication, cutting off hands for theft, testimony
of women or infidels counts only for 1/2 the testimony of male muslims, and
other features that suggest that it may not be a very just system of law.
Note, please, that I have many, if not all, of the same problems with
christianity, especially when it's made a state religion, as it can be an
oppressive system as well.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: "France is not a Western Country anymore"
| (...) Most like USA's death penalty. Who are we to decide what is right or wrong? This is called a cultural clash. In the Muslim culture, Adultery may be one of the worst thing a person can do in his/her life. If so, it would be logical for this (...) (22 years ago, 19-Apr-03, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: "France is not a Western Country anymore"
| (...) It might be useful to have a clear, legitimate tally of extremists relative to the whole sample population. We can't use the US media or Arab-state-run media, since both of these sources are tainted. There are over a billion Muslims in the (...) (22 years ago, 19-Apr-03, to
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