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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20404
20403  |  20405
Re: "France is not a Western Country anymore"
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 05:57:21 GMT
724 times
In, Dave Schuler writes:
In, John Neal writes:

Thank you.  But really, I haven't a problem with Islam per se.  There are many
peaceful Muslims.  What I *do* have a problem with are extremist Muslims who
tend to comprise a shockingly high percentage of the Muslim population, and the
seemingly indifference or even support of them by general Muslim population,

It might be useful to have a clear, legitimate tally of extremists relative
to the whole sample population.  We can't use the US media or Arab-state-run
media, since both of these sources are tainted.  There are over a billion
Muslims in the world; how many of that number would qualify as a "shockingly
high percentage" in your view?

Well, say we compared it to the percentage of extremist Christians for example.
I don't know what that number is, but judging from reported Christian
terrorist attacks I'd say that it is pretty low.  Even if the percentage of
extremist Muslims is 1 in a 1,000, that still leaves 1 million radical Muslims

and the overall desire of the Muslim population for the destruction of the
State of Israel.

I'm not qualified to get into a large Israel/Palestine debate, other than to
say that neither side should cast the first stone.

I am, by merit of having studied the issue under both Palestinian and Israeli
professors from Beirzeit and Hebrew Universities respectively.  Simplistically
put-- Israel needs to feel safe as a recognized sovereign nation, and the Arab
world isn't willing at this time to grant this.  Just look at a map of the
Middle East and see this tiny nation surrounded by vast, hostile nations.  It
gives one pause.

If you're going to use the term "enlightenment" as litmus test to determine
whether a group is worthy of respect, then you need to throw out groups that
work to foster pseudoscience in education or which try do eliminate the
division between church and state--both of these are contrary to
post-enlightenment thinking but are rampant among some groups here in the US.

I would say only if those beliefs led their followers to violence.

But then what?  Do you deride the whole of the belief system because of the
actions of a few non-representative extremists?  That appears to be what
you're suggesting re: Islam.

The extremists are attempting (with success I might add) to radicalize the
entire religion of Islam!  In non-democratic, illiterate and repressed
societies, such indoctrination is far easier than in open Western societies,
and more likely to occur.

And even if it doesn't lead to violence--what if it leads to a generation of
ill-informed students or a large segment of the population marginalized by a
de facto theocracy?

Are you suggesting that every generation isn't misinformed by Science?  We are
taught what is currently known, which is always changing.  I just heard the
other day that 94% of the matter in the universe is *unknown*.  Say again?
There is still a lot of room for earth-shattering revelations by Science in the
future, but this is rather off-topic.

We can even overlook the current theocracy and speak instead of a hypothetical
religious ruling body in the US.  Would you support such a system even if it
was non-violent?  Even if it destroyed church/state separation?

Of course not.  Please don't equate a leader being guided by his/her values
derived from religion to the installation of a theocracy.  They aren't the
same.  If our next president were an atheist, I wouldn't then characterize the
US as an atheistic state.  The Constitution and BoR haven't changed.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "France is not a Western Country anymore"
(...) It might be useful to have a clear, legitimate tally of extremists relative to the whole sample population. We can't use the US media or Arab-state-run media, since both of these sources are tainted. There are over a billion Muslims in the (...) (22 years ago, 19-Apr-03, to

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