Re: "France is not a Western Country anymore"
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 02:48:42 GMT
469 times
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In, John Neal writes:
> In, Terry Prosper writes:
> > You are ignorant.
> Here's another thing. This NG (to me anyway) is a place to exchange and debate
> *ideas*. There certainly wouldn't be much debate if we all agreed on all of
> the views presented here. Your ad hominem attacks are particularily uncivil
> and unwelcome here (although enlightening).
Well, John, I couldn't care less about your opinions. I don't seek any
facts from people like you. You have prove many times that you believe
certain things and I, like many others, think you are not very brilliant.
So I don't care what you and your peers think of me.
What is clear, though, is that you do not debate. You try over and over to
forve your opinion to others. If I appear to do the same, well, So be it,
but at least, I don't celebrate war and hatred like you do by showing all
those articles you link us.
I'd much rather not be involved in this debate. I try to stay away from it,
but when I read such stupid material as what you submit here, I can't help
it, I must say out loud what most think silently of you.
Message has 1 Reply:
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 | | Re: "France is not a Western Country anymore"
| (...) Here's the thing, Terry. You are certainly entitled to your opinion and to express it. I merely questioned the wisdom of your public criticism of something you hadn't fully investigated, or to call something patently stupid without any attempt (...) (22 years ago, 18-Apr-03, to
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