Re: Do you think there is a market for your MOCs on eBay? Please discuss...
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:14:58 GMT
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On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 06:30:36 GMT, "Kevin Salm" <>
<snippage-before and after>
> I have been here on Lugnet as long as you and as long as Larry...since the
> first Beta test and I have never replied to you until now.
> __Kevin Salm__
Kevin, you appear to be using the web interface so I cannot really say
if it's possible to what I do (I use a newsreader for lugnet). What I
do is I kill filter Scott, he has the distinction of being the only in
there actually. I only see his posts when someone else quotes them so
my dosage of him is small. There are just some times when its time t
remove a source of annoyance and his is past.
My advice is to ignore Scott's posts, filter them out if you can and
go on from there (works for anyone that bugs you really, Scott is just
my example). Life's too short to get that worked up over some of
these things, as a sig I use elsewhere says "Kill filters, use them
and love them" It makes my day brighter not dealing with certain
people here and elsewhere :^)
All other themes are just spare parts for Castle! :^)
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