Re: Do you think there is a market for your MOCs on eBay? Please discuss...
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 06:30:36 GMT
1379 times
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In lugnet.admin.general, Scott Arthur writes:
> This is what I don't get. Larry offends people. Larry acts childishly. Larry
> engages in name calling. But when I point all this out, I get the flack.
> Scott A
So, Scott, why do you point this stuff out ??? (Please DO NOT answer)
Often there is no real purpose in such replies.
I cannot know why you feel you need to respond to bad posts by others
and to continue rants and mud slinging--and I don't care. Almost nothing
you ever say is worth reading so I simply ignore you. And I also ignore
a ton of other posts that I consider garbage. I believe that makes us very
different. How you conduct yourself is up to you until you disrupt the rest
of us--and this goes for everyone here on Lugnet.
This is NOT up for debate so don't take us there.
For the record, I am breaking one of my personal rules in replying to your
post, Scott. That rule is that I vow not to reply to anything posted by you.
I have been here on Lugnet as long as you and as long as Larry...since the
first Beta test and I have never replied to you until now. This is because I
don't care to due to personal feelings. I will not elaborate as you won't
it, but I can say that I don't like you. There are others on Lugnet that I
don't like, also, and I have my own personal opinion about Larry but I don't
care to discuss any of it further. I keep quiet until I have something
worthwhile to say; I just wish other people would do the same.
__Kevin Salm__
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