Re: Community Policing is a Good Thing(TM) (Was: Re: Do you think there is a market)
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 11:32:11 GMT
1511 times
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In lugnet.admin.general, Tim Courtney writes:
> "Benjamin Medinets" <> wrote in message
> > Just like when Lar said to Allan Bedford what he thought a review was....
> Now that, I'll agree, was terribly A-R. But that thread is over, I don't
> care to revisit it.
What I think is hilarious (in a sad way) is that (I'm apparently such a
lightning rod that?) any conversation that I participate seems to get
branded, by people that ought to know better, as my thread. I didn't start
that particular thread. I didn't have the last post in it. I'm not even sure
I had the majority of the posts in it. Yet it's "when Lar said to Allan",
even to Tim.
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