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Re: A little self examination?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.general
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 18:10:56 GMT
464 times
<snipped to conserve space>

Tim is right, we do need to take some time and reflect. Let us 'Selah' for a
time and make some constructive changes to the community to improve things.

I have been participating in LUGNET for several months now and must admit that
at first I was intimidated. That is proven by the fact that I lurked for years
before that on both LUGNET and RTL. When I was first starting to post I was in
the weird situation of knowing a lot of people from the years of observation,
or at least thinking I knew them. But I remember being excited to get a reply
to something I posted, frankly I still am. I would not be surprised that there
are other newbies who feel the same way.

In my time here I have seen good things, great things and bad things. I have
said positive and uplifting things, inoffensive things and down right stupid
and cruel things. I am no more innocent or guilty than the rest, but I think
we need to change. My manifesto a couple of weeks back [1] was hard to follow.
And in fact, I failed to meet the challenge I gave. As a person studying to be
a pastor, I am taught that I am to live what I preach. I do know even if I
don't live it, I don't invalidate the truth, I invalidate my authority to
share it.

Thanks to Todd, who put the brakes to me instigating things further, I was
able to correct my mistake yesterday and move on. Frankly, I feel dirty for
failing my own challenge.

LUGNET has over 500 members and more participants than that. It is impossible
for the Larry's, Todd's, Tim's, Suz's, and others to get to know each and
every one in a personal manner. Yet these leaders [2] are part of  everyone’s
lives. We share the parts of their lives that they show us.

Personally I would like to contribute in a positive manner to the community
but it seems all the choice spots are already taken by individuals like Todd,
Kevin Loch, Tim Courtney, Steve Bliss, etc… I would love to learn to create
new Ldraw elements and further my Lcad Model collection (which is happening
slowly). But I must say it is hard for a newbie to get actively involved; in
that it is like trying to get into a moving car. And most people do not have
the aggressive personality to break in like Shiri Dori for example. Thus we
need to do something in regards to making it easier to participate.

[3] One idea I have is a new LUGNET group like lugnet.newbie or something.
This group would be a non-topic group that anyone can post to and just get to
know one another. It can also be used by individuals who do not understand
where to post things (Shiri can then redirect them :-). Of course there would
have to be rules such as a zero tolerance in flaming even is followed up in
another group and no market advertising i.e. auctions. It would then be the
responsibility of everyone to participate.

Even if this does not come into being, we need to each take a little time and
find the newbies and make sure they are encouraged. A simple reply can go a
long way in brightening up someone’s day.

I know we are not going to solve all our problems and of course we will not
always agree on everything but I think we can improve, and it will start on a
one-on-one basis.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jude Beaudin
AIM: ShiningBlade1
MSN: ShiningBlade
ICQ: 77656388

1 -

2 – I do not know the word I should use to describe the pillars of the

3 - This is the reason I xposted to .admin.general

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A little self examination?
"Jude Beaudin" <> wrote in message (...) impossible (...) everyone's (...) Regardless of 'leader' status, I think that the good thing here is that we can get to know each other personally through (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  A little self examination?
This whole thing has gotten me thinking -- Matthew was out to prove a point, right? Matthew is also a jerk and has serious problems, right. But, just because he carried himself *very* poorly here doesn't mean he might not have something valuable to (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to ! 

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