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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6677
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Re: A little self examination?
Fri, 20 Oct 2000 02:46:36 GMT
292 times
In, Eric Kingsley writes:

I can see your concern but I wouldn't really worry about it.  Although I • didn't
participate in the thread yesterday I did read it.  To me responding to such
posts is like throwing water on a grease fire and thats why I have come to
avoid them.  In my experiance people like Matthew are just out for attention
and if you ignore them they eventually go away.  I know that is hard if not
impossible for many of you especially seeing the very inappropriate attacks
Matthew made here on LUGNET and the inappropriate graphic on his site but for
me ignoring him does more to solve the problem then responding to him.

G'day Eric,

Y'know, I can't remember how many times I've read that advice
in regards to disruptive posts or heated discussions.  Having
posted in electronic forums since before there really was an
internet, I've seen it a lot.

But now I think I finally get it  :]

I stumbled upon yesterday's menage when it was just an hour or
so old.  Posts were coming in almost by-the-minute.  Pretty
quickly I was able to recognize Mr. Moulton's "posting style"
from experience.  I knew it was bad news, and this was going
to be another doozy thread.  It was my first time on LUGNET
seeing some heated posts from certain regulars..., it really
took me by surprise.

And I felt as much as anyone else that someone had just barged
into a peaceful little group harassing everyone and needed to
"be stopped".  And I was so, so close to posting something.
But I couldn't think of what to post.  How can you possibly
make a point that will stick with a character like this?  You
can't.  And even if you do, it just gets ignored, which frustrates
you immensely, and then the spiral.  Posting to this guy
would serve no useful purpose.

But oh I so wanted to!

Here it is hardly much over 24 hours later, and it all seems
so remote.  And I didn't post a single thing.  I don't know
how that happened!  :]  I've been in a couple of lengthies
here on LUGNET..., no flame wars mind you, but definitely heated
discussions.  Two in particular that come to mind, but they all
worked out.  I tend to get caught up in just diving in to join
the fray.  It's the electronic form of road rage I suppose.
I don't know how on earth I managed to stay out of this one.

But having done it, I now see that it's a very good idea, as hard
as it is.  So my new strategy is to read the posts, and if I see
tense-looking ones (especially when it seems to be just two
specific people getting into it)..., turn off the machine and
go do something else.  Come back to the posts the next day.  It'll
probably all be blown over.

But it took me about 10 years to finally learn this!  I think
that's why these skirimishes will never go away.  Everyone has
to get up the learning curve, and some (me) are slower than
others.  No matter how much people say "just ignore them", enough
will get involved to make it a mess.  But that means a few more
people will learn, too.  As long as someone is learning something,
it wasn't a waste.  That even probably goes for Mr. Moulton's
time, too.

Enough philosphy for me for this year  :]

Peace everyone,
Kyle D. Jackson, LUGNETer #203, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A little self examination?
(...) I can see your concern but I wouldn't really worry about it. Although I didn't participate in the thread yesterday I did read it. To me responding to such posts is like throwing water on a grease fire and thats why I have come to avoid them. (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to

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