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Re: Social Engineering (was: Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?))
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 15:39:47 GMT
547 times
This is tough but I think its a worthy discussion...

In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
I think Todd got "played". (And I recently said I didn't think Todd was easy
to fool)

With all due respect to Todd, I think Larry is right to an extent.  I told Todd
in a private E-mail that I thought MM was mostly full of it.  MM thinks very
highly of himself and I would be supprised if he had many "real" freinds.  My
guess is that MM lives in a virtual world with little social interaction out of

Social Engineering my foot. If that was what MM was up to, it has no place
here. But I don't think it was, I think it was just another layer of
deception. This guy is amazingly deep and amazingly twisted.

I also mentioned to Todd that I thought MM seemed to contradict himself
regularly and seemed to have hugh emotional swings.  I wouldn't be supprised if
MM had some sort of schizophrenic or multiple personality disorder
(Unfortunately I have a fair amount of family experiance with this).  Of course
that is an assumption on my part and I am not a doctor but it is clear MM has
some real problems.

Now, I do think that helping people out with things like spelling hygiene and
how to ask questions and where stuff is and so forth is worthy and could
possibly be construed as SE. But I don't think it is. If it was I'd be against
it and I'm not so it must not be. :-)

Well personally I could care less about spelling as long as it is just a word
here or there.  Actually I got pretty peeved once when someone E-mailed me
correcting my spelling, I didn't do anything about it but I was peeved.

If all SE was for was to make someone look at something through a different set
of eyes then I am for it.  Knowing and understanding different philosophies is
a good thing, forcing your views on someone is not.

Anyway when all is said and done I think MM was only trying to disrupt and
cause chaos with no higher calling.  Why he would want to do this in the LEGO
community I don't know but to each their own.  I never responded directly to
any of MM's posts becuase I didn't want to give him any added satisfaction.  I
did respond to other posts when I thought they were misguided but that is
because I do feel that sometimes we are a little to nice and accepting here.  I
think we could all use a look in the mirror occasionally because that will help
us become better as a community.  Constant praise usually doesn't lead to
advancement, a little self examination and healthy debating does.

So maybe in the future we can be a tad more critical but of course in a nice
way.  I know I often ask for feedback here both positive and negative (in a
constructive sense) and to tell you the truth I learn more from the
critical/constructive posts then the posts of praise.  I also don't get
offended by critical posts which might be a problem for some so maybe this is
not a good approach for all.

Sorry for that, it sounded funny when I typed it. But my UK flight is about to
be called so I gotta be terse.

Thats OK lots of what you write here I find funny and terse.  ;-)

Eric Kingsley

The New England LEGO Users Group

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Social Engineering (was: Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?))
(...) set (...) Check. Walk a mile in the other man's shoes and all that. (...) C/becuase/because/ C/to nice and/too nice and/ <GRIN> Seriously, without starting a big war, I think most of us know that you're a bit spelling challenged, Eric. And we (...) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to

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  Re: Social Engineering (was: Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?))
I think Todd got "played". (And I recently said I didn't think Todd was easy to fool) Social Engineering my foot. If that was what MM was up to, it has no place here. But I don't think it was, I think it was just another layer of deception. This guy (...) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to

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