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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6737
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Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?)
Mon, 23 Oct 2000 14:51:50 GMT
369 times
In, Paul Baulch writes:


I dispute that MM was "retrievable" or that it's my job to try. If you
persist, I will politely point out what a fool you are for trying, in a
friendly way, of course. I don't reason with rabid dogs either.

But that's not all that needs doing. Rather than talking about MM in this
thread, I'd rather identify the other things to do that will help LUGNET be
more inclusionary.

Actually, in all my huffing and puffing that's exactly what I'm trying to
do -  I think we could make more of an effort to see how we can help problem
individuals, and therefore be equipped to help them rather than simply
ignore/banish them! I see it as part of being "the friendliest place on the

I think the things being done like .newbie are spot on. That helps include
people who want to be here and want to follow the norms but need a little
drawing out, a little guidance to figure out how to proceed and contribute. It
doesn't do anything for those that need basic instruction in manners, though.

However this is not a therapy club and it is not my job, my role, or my desire
to deal with people who need therapy in order to be polite. You're welcome to
do so if you like, more power to you, but I am not. I will not tolerate it. My
hobby is building with bricks, not ministering to the deranged.

It's over. MM is gone and will not soon be back. Let's move on.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?)
Larry Pieniazek wrote in message ... (...) what (...) Hatter (...) lot (...) inappropriate (...) why (...) And kept it to yourself? That's a real shame. If' I'd made the connection, I would have used it constructively, to help persuade Matthew not (...) (24 years ago, 23-Oct-00, to

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