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Re: Social Engineering (was: Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?))
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 17:56:33 GMT
612 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Eric Kingsley writes:

I guess thats why I just design and code and leave documentation
up to someone else.

Now that's scary! Programmers should document their own code, how can anyone
else know what it does? :-)

Well I think you probably knew what I meant in that I leave final documentation
to someone else, i.e. the copy the customer sees, I have to document my code
for internal purposes of course.

Still up, unless you count plane sleep, from when I typed the post you're
responding too, but about to call it a day.

I put a deliberate error in there for you to pounce on so you wouldn't feel
left out, but you missed it. :-)

Well I am not sure but I think it was the "too".  Ah the great English
language.  We have to, too, and two and their, there, and they're the plural of
goose is geese but moose ain't meese.  How anyone learning English as a second
language can ever figure it out I don't know.  Heck I can't figure it out

Eric Kingsley

The New England LEGO Users Group

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Social Engineering (was: Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?))
(...) I meant that in the nicest way, of course. (...) I think you left a comma out of that sentence fragment, big fella. :-) All (1) kidding aside (I should have set followups to .fun on the last post but they're set there now), I think if you (...) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to,

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