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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6756
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Re: Social Engineering (was: Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?))
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 00:37:24 GMT
552 times
I think Todd got "played". (And I recently said I didn't think Todd was easy
to fool)

Social Engineering my foot. If that was what MM was up to, it has no place
here. But I don't think it was, I think it was just another layer of
deception. This guy is amazingly deep and amazingly twisted.

Now, I do think that helping people out with things like spelling hygiene and
how to ask questions and where stuff is and so forth is worthy and could
possibly be construed as SE. But I don't think it is. If it was I'd be against
it and I'm not so it must not be. :-)

Sorry for that, it sounded funny when I typed it. But my UK flight is about to
be called so I gotta be terse.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Social Engineering (was: Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?))
This is tough but I think its a worthy discussion... (...) With all due respect to Todd, I think Larry is right to an extent. I told Todd in a private E-mail that I thought MM was mostly full of it. MM thinks very highly of himself and I would be (...) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Social Engineering (was: Re: The Friendliest Site On The Internet. (Was Re: A little self examination?))
(...) Actually, that's something I considered when speaking to Matthew offline. I think my conclusion on the issue is that Matthew's approach (I.E. causing disruptions, etc) is a very fast, effective way of doing it. However, it causes unfortunate (...) (24 years ago, 23-Oct-00, to

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