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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6693
6692  |  6694
Re: A little self examination?
Sun, 22 Oct 2000 17:43:19 GMT
352 times
In, Tim Courtney writes:
Regardless of 'leader' status, I think that the good thing here is that we
can get to know each other personally through LUGs, etc.  You're right,
people of any position can't get to know everyone, but also average users
can't accomplish that task either.

True. Personally, I got to know a few people after repeatedly trading with
them, because we used to slip in tidbits about RL happenings within the posts
or emails. Even those little things go a long way later on.

I find that I have a lot of people who I
do know for various reasons, whether it be CAD, I've met them at a Legofest,
or just from random discussion.  There's probably 20-30 people on Lugnet I
do know well outside the context of the group - and probably half of that
who I know well in person.

I'd say the same for me.

Personally I would like to contribute in a positive manner to the
but it seems all the choice spots are already taken by individuals [..]

It's too bad that you feel that way. There's always room to help. Take for
example Cary Clark who has taken upon himself a project with the FAQs. This is
just going on right now, and I'm sure he could use help, there's a lot of
posts to go through. And that's just one example that came to mind. There's
*always* room to improve and help. ;-)

But I must say it is hard for a newbie to get actively involved;
in that it is like trying to get into a moving car.

I think that we've seen something like the .com businesses reflected on a
smaller scale here in the community - that those who were there to do the
big things early on got in, and now they may be so comprehensive that
others' efforts may fizzle before snowballing.

But!!  That doesn't mean you can't make that positive impact here.  You want
to create LDraw parts, go for it!!  Get involved and do different things
here, try your hand at what you like.  People will respect you for
contributing, and you never know where it can take you.

Exactly. True, the more people and ideas there are, the easier it is to
accidently overlook something great, but that doesn't mean everything will be

And most people do not have
the aggressive personality to break in like Shiri Dori for example. Thus
we need to do something in regards to making it easier to participate.

Hehehehehe.... oh my ;-)... aggressive personality? Hmmmmm.... you know I
lurked for *quite* a while before joining in... but if you say so ;-)

LOL!  Knowing Shiri in person fairly well, I wouldn't characterize her as an
aggressive personality ;-)

...wait, then again there was Brickfest.  <gdr>

Yeah, and yesterday afternoon too <grin>. Shoving you around is just too
fun. ;-)

Aggressive... well... I guess ;-)

Good idea for a group - something to transition people from civilian life to
Lugnet life ;)

Yep, it was thrown around here a bunch of times - I'm glad Todd finally put it
in motion!!
(see lugnet.people.newbies)

Yep.  This old timer gets a bit bummed even when he doesn't get replies -
how much more of a positive impact would a cheerful reply have on a newbie?



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A little self examination?
"Shiri Dori" <> wrote in message (...) This is (...) There's (...) Yup. (...) an (...) I know, you're mean! (...) Hehe ;-) As I said before, I'm really glad I'm not attached to you :-P (and I pity the (...) (24 years ago, 22-Oct-00, to

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  Re: A little self examination?
"Jude Beaudin" <> wrote in message (...) impossible (...) everyone's (...) Regardless of 'leader' status, I think that the good thing here is that we can get to know each other personally through (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to

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