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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6654
6653  |  6655
Re: A little self examination?
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 06:06:47 GMT
256 times
In, Tim Courtney writes:
This whole thing has gotten me thinking -- Matthew was out to prove a point,
right?  Matthew is also a jerk and has serious problems, right.  But, just
because he carried himself *very* poorly here doesn't mean he might not have
something valuable to say to us.  I'm just trying to think if there's
anything about this community that is out of whack, like he suggested.

I think you're on to something there. There have been some not very nice
incidents. It's so easy for us, in the heat of the moment, to let our
indignation climb until we say things we might not have meant to say in a
calmer moment.

No one has a right not to be offended but... we're a small group compared to
the vast sea of NL mundanes, many of who are not very understanding, or even
actively hostile in a few cases. The last thing we want to do is make our
group smaller by chasing people (who have valid contributions to make, unlike
our recent MadCap visitor) away.

Is this not a common problem in small communities? Anything in the psych
literature, or shall we just begin building cloud castles to try to understand
it.. (or just do the "let's all be nicer to each other" speech and let it rest
for a while)... I dunno.

Message is in Reply To:
  A little self examination?
This whole thing has gotten me thinking -- Matthew was out to prove a point, right? Matthew is also a jerk and has serious problems, right. But, just because he carried himself *very* poorly here doesn't mean he might not have something valuable to (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to ! 

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