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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6681
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Re: A little self examination?
Fri, 20 Oct 2000 07:02:10 GMT
257 times
In, Tim Courtney writes:
This whole thing has gotten me thinking -- Matthew was out to prove a point,
right?  Matthew is also a jerk and has serious problems, right.  But, just
because he carried himself *very* poorly here doesn't mean he might not have
something valuable to say to us.  I'm just trying to think if there's
anything about this community that is out of whack, like he suggested.

I think the Lugnet community needs to make a substantial effort to be
inclusive, and a major part of this is how established members conduct
themselves in the discussion groups. If someone is posting destructive
remarks, don't reply to them in the "public arena". If it's worth replying to
them at all, take it to email or .o-t-d or .admin. I think the ill-will public
posting generates far outweighs the "benefit" of flaming the offender.

Making people feel welcome is harder, and a large part of it is people finding
their own place. The lugnet.newbie idea is good although I'd suggest -- for me "newbie" is still too much of a jargon word.

Overall, I think Lugnet is doing amazingly well. At the moment members receive
few substantial benefits compared to casual users, yet over six hundred people
have felt that the service is worth paying for. Bravo Todd & Suz!!


PS I'm for allowing Matthew to keep posting, but if he goes anywhere near
yeserday's provocation again, TOS him.

Message is in Reply To:
  A little self examination?
This whole thing has gotten me thinking -- Matthew was out to prove a point, right? Matthew is also a jerk and has serious problems, right. But, just because he carried himself *very* poorly here doesn't mean he might not have something valuable to (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to ! 

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