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Re: A little self examination?
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 14:07:52 GMT
295 times
From: "Joakim Olsson" <>

I think your friend is right... As a newcommer, I also have this experience.
But I think that is common in a "community", in whatever media it is
represented in.
Sometimes it feels like there is an "internal" bunch of people, that you can
not enter without making a lot of noice...
But that is also something that happens when you have allready discussed a
topic a gazillion times before...

To enter this "internal" bunch, you really have to be intelligent and read a
huge amount of posts to know how to reach them. Or to make a lot of noice...

Maybe there is a "Ignore Stupid NewCommer, and People Without Expert
Knowledge" filter somewhere, LOL.

I'm not saying that this is bad, it's just from a personal "newcommers"
view. Other newcommers most likely will disagree, as they maybe found a more
interesting topic or have more social skills than I do.

I haven't been on Lugnet very long, but whenever someone identifies
themselves as being new, I will try to welcome them and give them some
comments. If someone just posts something like "Hey look at this" I often
don't respond to it (unless I'm particularly impressed), because I figure
maybe someone else knows them and might respond to their post. I read a lot
of topics on Lugnet, so I don't necessarily respond to _everything_.

However, given the recent events, I for one will try to be mindful of
newcomers and be as welcoming as I can. I don't think I've been here long
enough to consider myself 'leet.

Mark's Lego Creations

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A little self examination?
Tim Courtney wrote in message ... (...) point, (...) have (...) I think your friend is right... As a newcommer, I also have this experience. But I think that is common in a "community", in whatever media it is represented in. Sometimes it feels (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to

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