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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6676
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Re: A little self examination?
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 21:42:08 GMT
485 times
In, Steve Bliss writes:
In, Tim Courtney wrote:
In my niche here (CAD) there are a lot of times I'll value the opinion of a
long time contributor over that of a newbie - because I know and trust the
person.  Not that it's right.

Not that it's wrong either.  Trust is an important issue.  I don't have
time to sit down and thouroughly process through everything posted on
LUGNET.  I depend a lot on familiarity with the people I'm reading messages
from, or responding to.  This can make it harder for new people to 'break
in', but it's not impossible.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this... there is *nothing wrong*
with being elitist... as long as it's a meritocracy. In large part, that *is*
the way things operate in a lot of groups, there are people who most people
know are contributors, or who know who they are talking about, and whose words
tend to get more weight.

That is a good thing.

And what's great about compartmentalisation is that there are so MANY groups
for people to participate in and for them to shine in. Experts in one are only
novices in others.

Where things go a bit wrong is where cliques form, based on not merit, but
that sense of closeness that shuts out valid contributors. Fresh ideas are
good. There's a balance in there somewhere. This is a great topic, I wish I
had more time.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A little self examination?
(...) Three cheers for compartmentalized dorks! >;-D -John (24 years ago, 20-Oct-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A little self examination?
(...) Aye. And remember, this is a discussion forum. Some very good posts don't lend themselves to further discussion, and so don't get much (or any) follow-up. And some very crummy posts get tons of followup. (...) Not that it's wrong either. Trust (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to

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