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 Off-Topic / Debate / 9346
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Re: Problems with Creationists' theory
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 03:06:02 GMT
916 times
Tom Stangl wrote:

Tim Culberson wrote:

Tom Stangl wrote:

Tim Culberson wrote:

Certainly you have hit on a point where "practically" speaking a
creationist can't argue against the monstrosity of the event you
describe.  A creationist has to rely on his/her faith in the Bible which
clearly teaches that God "brought" the animals to the ark.  No
creationist will argue that Noah "collected" the animals himself.

Hah!  Like that matters!  Do you want to even TRY to calculate the sheer volume of 2.2MILLION insects, especially since then would have to
be housed separately to avoid some eating others?

Okay now I'm REALLY questioning the credability of these numbers.
Please give me an authoritative source on this.  First you (inclusive of
"the evolutionists in this discussion") say "1.800.000.000 species",
then you correct yourself and say "1.800.000", then you use the figure
"2.200.000" right after you just corrected yourself to say that there
are only 1.800.000 species in total!

I think you need to reread his original post:

Currently there are about 1.800.000.000 different species of living beings described.

Obvious typo, which he corrected, he added 3 too many zeros, he meant 1.8Million.  But note the "different species OF LIVING BEINGS"

Do you seriously want to tell me that Noah had
time enough to sample 1.100.000 insect species (wait a minute... wasn't it two of a kind.... so he had to collect 2.200.000 insects,
right? It must have been quite crowded on board of his vessel! )????

The LARGE majority of species on this planet are insects.  I don't know where he got 1.1Million, but it sounds about right - perhaps he could
cite the source...

1.1Million SPECIES of insect - but he needs 1 male & 1 female, so that's 2.2Million INSECTS.

Want to try to figure out the food requirements for 2.2MILLION insects, ignoring the • [snip]
to waste several lifetimes weighing one of every species we could find (juvenile or not), and testing the food requirements needed for a
year and ten days.

I know how much everyone hates this guy but for the purposes of this
particular discussion his "credability" doesn't really matter anyhow ---
not that I think you'll actually take the 3 minutes to listen to this in
the first place but here's my best explanation:  (which
quickly explains your specific insect example whether it's 2 or 2*10^99

Pure PAP.  He refutes himself, if you actually listen to it:

He says 2 of every KIND, and then states that Noah only needed 2 dogs, period.  Yet he put up a slide of Genesis 7:14-15:
"...,and every fowl after HIS KIND (emphasis speaker), EVERY BIRD OF EVERY SORT (emphasis MINE)"

So which is it?  So Noah gathered 2 of every SORT of birds, but just 2 DOGS?  Pap.  He picks 2 words out of a passage and conveniently ignores
ones that don't fit his pet theory.

And he says that all of the dog species that came about from those 2 dogs don't prove Evolution???  PAP!  Sticking his head in the sand.

Oh, and insects don't have the breath of life?  Don't have "nostrils"?  Pap.
They survived on floating logs?  With what food?  Sure, insects survive NORMAL floods just fine - because they quickly get to items ABOVE water
(or flying ones that quickly fly out of the area) - but MANY of them die.  Your Flood BURIED all of that COMPLETELY under water.  Just about any
non-flying insect would have starved in a year's time.

Tim, you need to quit listening to a very small # of people that stick their heads in the sand when confronted with known facts that don't fit
in their pet theories.  His only "fact" we can't refute is "God was in there with them", which is just a Faith based copout for the reality of

| Tom Stangl, iPlanet Web Server Technical Support     Netscape Communications Corp
| iPlanet Support -    A division of AOL Time Warner
|      Please do not associate my personal views with my employer

I was so busy at work that I forgot one of the more obvious grevious errors with your speaker.

He seems to think that Noah only needed to gather land dwelling animals, that the water dwelling ones just swam around happily....PAP.

Have you ever cared for saltwater fish?  If you have, you'd know that the salinity of the water must be watched VERY carefully.  Toss a pure
saltwater fish (ignore salmon, they are of the few that can handle both fresh and salt water) into fresh water.  Watch how fast it dies.  Toss a
pure FRESH water fish in salt water.  Watch how fast IT dies.

If the earth were truly COMPLETELY covered with water for near a year, the overall salt content of the water would be too weak for the large
majority of saltwater fish, and WAY too salty for the freshwater fish.  End result - a vast majority of the waterbearing creatures would have DIED,
and we wouldn't have any freshwater fish around today (unless the surviving saltwater fish EVOLVED, but your speaker wouldn't have any of that).

Basic biology, which your speaker ignores.  Obviously so did everyone at the conference, or they were marching lockstep with this dreamer, or he
would have been interrupted about avery 10-30 seconds with arguments based on facts rather than dreams.

Tom Stangl
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  Re: Problems with Creationists' theory
(...) I think you need to reread his original post: (...) Obvious typo, which he corrected, he added 3 too many zeros, he meant 1.8Million. But note the "different species OF LIVING BEINGS" (...) The LARGE majority of species on this planet are (...) (24 years ago, 10-Feb-01, to

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