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 Marketplace / Auctions / 1288
1287  |  1289
Re: Proxy ratcheting: How do auction systems work?
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 11:56:40 GMT
1043 times
In, Derick Bulkley writes:
The bidding mechanism also has some new functionality.

Assume the current lot is open with no bids and a $10 minimum.  Next, assume • it
is an Airport Shuttle - built once.

I make a firm bid of $150, fine.  I then make a proxy bid of $400.  The net
result is I now have a proxy bid at $150 with a max of $400.

Then the phone bill comes.  I'm feeling a bit poor.  Now I make a firm bid of
$200.  Net result - I have a firm bid of $200.  I put a STOP order on my • proxy.

Then I win the lottery, and submit a proxy bid of $600.  Net result: a proxy
bid of $200 with a max of $600.

I sure hope somebody can appreciate this  ;-)

So in a similar scenario to the one Larry's pointed out
- if I come along with a $200 firm bid (and a $250 maximum) just
before your phone bill arrives, then I don't get the shuttle, and
your firm bid shoots up to $250.

On the other hand, if I'd waited an extra half hour and placed my $200
bid just after you withdrew your proxy, then I might get the shuttle.
You end up with a situation in which you might reward someone for delaying
posting a bid!

Somehow, I don't think auctions are supposed to work like that. :)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Proxy ratcheting: How do auction systems work?
(...) It can only reward someone for delaying if they knew that you had dropped your bid, which they wouldn't know. Also, consider the case when you raise your proxy max rather than leaving it where it is. --Todd (26 years ago, 21-Apr-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Proxy ratcheting: How do auction systems work?
The bidding mechanism also has some new functionality. Assume the current lot is open with no bids and a $10 minimum. Next, assume it is an Airport Shuttle - built once. I make a firm bid of $150, fine. I then make a proxy bid of $400. The net (...) (26 years ago, 21-Apr-99, to

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