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Re: Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 05:37:44 GMT
2937 times
In, John Neal writes:

On a related note:  it
seems to me that TLC used to make their dioramas out of bricks more than they
do today.  Now, it's mostly computerized backdrops.  I always thought that it
was due to cost considerations-- I never thought it might be because someone
it that way.  I wonder how others feel?  Others?

I assumed that TLC uses drawn/computerized backgrounds so that no one can
claim they are being misleading about the contents of the package.  For
instance, on the 3225 Classic Train, they used drawn-in track instead of
real track, because there was none in the set.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
(...) Right. That drawn track (and glowing cave, etc) have been there since the start of 9V. Mayhaps J2 is referring to catalog illustrations, though? PS, I heard I left my vitamins at Chris's, did you happen to get those? I wouldn't want to have to (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jan-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
(...) Interesting analysis, Kevin. I am curious, would you then advocate using, say a mountain, which is non-LEGO and made out of paper mache? On a related note: it seems to me that TLC used to make their dioramas out of bricks more than they do (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jan-01, to

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