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 Trains / Train Organizations / 1013
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Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 23:49:21 GMT
2879 times
Kevin Loch wrote:

Actually the whole layout was very well done.  I have to say, I prefer the look
of the "baseplate" landscape to the "brick" landscape.  There is something
about the "brick" land style that is just too distracting.  For some reason the
baseplate-based system just looks more convincing.  I know that is
counterintuitive but it's what I see.  Maybe it's because real live landscapes,
even hilly ones are essentially flat when viewed from most angles of elevation.
Brick based landscapes have too many "rectangular fractal" components, both
horizontal and vertical.  Maybe that's what it is.

Interesting analysis, Kevin.  I am curious, would you then advocate using, say a
mountain, which is non-LEGO and made out of paper mache?  On a related note:  it
seems to me that TLC used to make their dioramas out of bricks more than they do
today.  Now, it's mostly computerized backdrops.  I always thought that it was due
to cost considerations-- I never thought it might be because someone *preferred*
it that way.  I wonder how others feel?  Others?


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
I will say that I liked the baseplate look (I wish I had that many plates for the NGLTC layout, but for now the tables are painted base plate green) but it looked like it had a few draw backs. For one I don't think you'd have a lot of flexibility in (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to
  Re: Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
(...) a (...) it Absolutely not! I'm a purist to the point that I don't even like homemade stickers. Besides, mountains are supposed to be rough and 3-dimensional. The effect that I like is when you see a scene (or picture) that has nothing but LEGO (...) (23 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to
  Re: Baseplate vs Brick landscape (was: Re: Show report)
(...) I assumed that TLC uses drawn/computerized backgrounds so that no one can claim they are being misleading about the contents of the package. For instance, on the 3225 Classic Train, they used drawn-in track instead of real track, because there (...) (23 years ago, 22-Jan-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Show report
(...) The airport was awesome! Now only if they offered gray 2x2 tiles in 100 packs... :) Actually the whole layout was very well done. I have to say, I prefer the look of the "baseplate" landscape to the "brick" landscape. There is something about (...) (23 years ago, 15-Jan-01, to

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